Surprising Reasons to Check Out the 2016 Beach Bash Music Fest

If you’re reading this, then you’re probably already coming to Panama City Beach for your 2016 Spring Break.

Good start… That’s an excellent decision that you’re gonna be glad you made for the rest of your life.

The great people you’ll meet, the stories you’ll leave with, and the memories you’ll make are things that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

You’ve probably already heard that the Beach Bash is the single largest daytime beach event in the whole country.

That’s not just out-of-control bragging or hyperbole, that comes straight from Rolling Stone Magazine.

We doubt you’re expecting to NOT have a great time here, but here’s some surprising reasons to check it out that you might not have thought about…


4. Get Some New Numbers

This is Spring Break in Panama City Beach, FL… So it’s not like you aren’t already meeting lots of new people all day, every day already…

But huge events like the Beach Bash bring EVERYBODY out, to one place, at the same time.

There’s just no telling how many people you never get to “bump into” even if you stay all week long, and go out every single night.

Since THOUSANDS come each week, it’s inevitable that you’re going to miss a whole lot of them… And your soulmate could have been somewhere in the mix…

You’d never know you had come so close, yet so far… It might not even be your soulmate, maybe just the best hookup of the week 😉


3. Catch Up With Buddies Staying Somewhere Else

You probably have friends who are staying at other places during the same week.

It’s rare that a single School ever takes over an entire Hotel / Resort / Condo for the week.

There’s so much going on that it is completely possible for you to all spend the entire week here, and never bump into each other.

Huge concerts and events like the Beach Bash mean you don’t have to miss out on seeing your buddies, since they are probably going too.

That lets you meet the new people they met, network, and make bigger and better plans for later that night.


2. Find out About After Parties

No matter how good the current spot is, everybody always wants to know where to next…

The more people you know and meet, the more after party spots you know about.

And you know what happens at those things… You meet more people. Your odds increase, and the World keeps on turning 🙂


1. You Kinda Have To…

Coming to Panama City Beach, FL (the spring break capital of the World) and NOT attending the Beach Bash, or NOT spending at least one night in the World Famous Tiki Bar at the Sandpiper Beacon would be like;

  • Spending the weekend in Las Vegas and not gambling;
  • Winning the jackpot and not cashing in your ticket;
  • Getting her number and not drunk texting her…

That would just be a mistake. So don’t make that mistake… You deserve better 🙂